Dogma, God’s Gang’s leader, asked each one of her team members what they thought about making “Interfaith Library” their home and potential earthly headquarters?

Chris Cross (Christian)

“That’s a real cool idea. Interfaith Library contains resources and materials from a wide range of religious and spiritual traditions. This diversity will provide us with opportunities to learn about and respect different beliefs, create space for inclusivity and understanding.”

Sumuslim (Muslim)

Sayakun dhalik mdhhlaan!…That would be amazing! Libraries are known for their vast collections of information and resources. Having access to interfaith resources would allow us to deepen our understanding of various religious and spiritual practices, history, and philosophy, which would truly enrich our own beliefs and practices.”

Ninjew (Hebrew)


Interfaith Library would serve as a hub for community engagement, offering meeting spaces, educational programs, and events. I can see the potential to engage with the community, share in their traditions, and find support for our super-heroic endeavors.”

Taekwonhindu (Hindu)

अति विशाल … “Stupendous!

For a group like ours with a spiritual and super-heroic focus, having a physical space like an Interfaith Library as our headquarters would hold major symbolic significance. It would be seen as a place of knowledge, refuge, and inspiration, aligning with our mission and values.”

Ultimately, the reasons for us to be excited about making Interfaith Library our home and superhero headquarters is because it would be a game changer in our multi-faith universe.


Although this was a comic narrative that expressed “God’s Gang’s” need for Interfaith Library, there was truth in what was said. The world needs to make space for Interfaith Library.

The real world needs Interfaith Library in order to promote understanding and respect among diverse religious traditions. Our shared resources would provide access to scriptures, texts, and literature from various faith traditions. We desperately need to learn how to dialogue better as well as to learn how to have mutual appreciation for one another. The library would serve as a neutral space for individuals to learn about each other, thus making harmony and cooperation possible.

The Interfaith Library movement recognizes the importance of religious literacy in a globalized world, where interactions between people of different faiths and cultures are increasingly common. By facilitating education and dialogue, Interfaith Library contributes to building bridges and promoting peaceful coexistence among individuals and communities of different religious backgrounds.

See for yourself. Visit our entire library. Tell us what you really think. We’d love your feedback.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.

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