Superheroes have their antecedents in the semidivine heroes of myth and legend.

Protagonists who exhibit feats of incredible strength, fighting prowess, and cunning are commonplace in both scripture and early secular literature.

Comic strips of the early 20th century provided the perfect visual medium for the development for these larger-than-life characters, and in June 1938 writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joseph Shuster unveiled Superman, the archetypal superhero.

With this said, if Islam had a Superhero, what might his/her powers be? In the comment section, tell us what you think.

Watch: “The 99”. All 26 Episodes

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.

One thought on “If Islam Had A “Superhero” What Would His/Her Powers Be?”
  1. Who are our superheroes in our world that needs healing? Perhaps those that are grounded in their own identity and work together and build connections with others. They are firm in their identity, while maintaining no loss of one’s faith or core being. We are so much more together than the sum of the individual parts, or as we learn in Ecclesiastes/Kohelet: A threefold braid is the strongest and cannot be undone. As 2022 comes upon us, let us all pray for healing in our fractured world and work together to make that healing happen.

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