The Signs Are Apparent! The Times Are Now!

Light vs. Darkness; Righteousness vs. Evil

Qur’an 2:208

Oh you who believe, you shall embrace total submission; do not follow the steps of Satan, for he is your most ardent enemy.

1 John 3:12 (NIV)

Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.

In today’s struggle between the good and evil, a timeless conflict unfolds. The demonic embodies the forces of chaos, temptation, and self-gratification, seeking to lead humanity astray from the path of righteousness. In contrast, the divine represents order, virtue, and selflessness, guiding individuals toward compassion, integrity, and spiritual awakening.

The balance between these opposing forces seems to be shifting. As society evolves, the allure of selfishness grows ever stronger, drawing people away from the selfless virtues championed by the divine. Increasingly, individuals prioritize personal gain, instant gratification, and material success over empathy, generosity, and the well-being of others. Thus, we see a rise in Satanism and a battle forming between the religious and/or spiritual. The rise of individualism and the pervasive influence of consumer culture have contributed to this trend, creating a mindset that values self-interest above communal harmony.

In an era marked by technological advancement and rapid societal change, the struggle between the demonic and the divine takes on new dimensions. The allure of material wealth, social status, and personal achievement often obscures the deeper fulfillment that comes from acts of selflessness and compassion. As people become more focused on their own desires and ambitions, the timeless virtues of empathy, altruism, and spiritual connection are at risk of being overshadowed by the clamor of self-serving pursuits.

Now trying to be an objective and fair reporter of information, I know the subject of Satanism is a complex one and is a sometime misunderstood philosophical movement. While some people associate Satanism with evil and malevolence, many modern Satanists say they do not actually worship a literal Satan or promote harmful actions. Instead, they view Satan as a symbol of individualism, rebellion against oppressive authority, and personal empowerment.

There are different organized groups and traditions within Satanism, such as LaVeyan Satanism, The Satanic Temple, and various other occult and esoteric traditions. LaVeyan Satanism, founded by Anton LaVey in the 1960s, is atheistic and focuses on self-indulgence, individualism, and skepticism. The Satanic Temple, founded in recent years, advocates for the separation of church and state, and supposedly champions social justice, and the promotion of empathy and critical thinking.

It’s also important to note that there are individuals who identify as Satanists but do not belong to any organized group and may have their own unique beliefs and practices.

Like any religious philosophy, Satanism has a diverse range of adherents, and their beliefs and practices vary widely. It’s crucial to approach the topic cautiously and to seek information from reputable sources to gain a complete and comprehensive understanding.

As we conclude, it is crucial to recognize the grave peril that Satanic worship poses in a society built on diverse faith traditions and a collective reverence for God. The allure of such malevolent practices threatens to sow discord, fear, and spiritual turmoil among our multi-faith and interfaith communities. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to stand united in upholding the values of love, compassion, and respect for all faiths, and to remain vigilant against the insidious influence of Satanic worship. Let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing a society guided by light and goodness, and to protect our communities from the darkness that threatens to divide and destroy.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.