In the silence of our hearts, we often find ourselves entangled in the webs of time, yearning for a glimpse of a future that eludes our grasp. Yet, in the midst of this longing, a profound truth emerges: “The Win is coming. Don’t let the When worry you.” This statement echoes through the corridors of faith, resonating deeply within the teachings of both Islam and Christianity.

In the Holy Quran, we find solace and wisdom in Surah Al-Baqarah 2:286: “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” This verse reminds us that our journey is meticulously crafted by the Divine, with every trial and delay serving a purpose beyond our comprehension. Our task is not to rush the timeline of our success but to trust in the perfect timing of Allah. When we surrender our anxieties about the future, we open our hearts to the blessings concealed within the present moment.

Similarly, the Bible offers us a beacon of hope in Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” This scriptural assurance speaks to the Christian soul, urging us to embrace patience and faith. God’s timing is impeccable, and His plans for us are woven with threads of grace and love. We are called to rest in the knowledge that our victories are already ordained, waiting to unfold in their appointed season.

As we traverse the landscapes of our lives, we encounter moments of doubt and despair. We question whether our efforts will bear fruit, whether our dreams will ever come to fruition. Yet, in these moments, we must remember the stories of our forebears—those who walked in faith despite the shadows of uncertainty. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) faced immense trials and tribulations, yet he remained steadfast, knowing that victory was promised by Allah. Jesus Christ, too, endured suffering and sacrifice, confident in the resurrection and the ultimate triumph of love.

Their journeys teach us that the essence of winning lies not in the swiftness of its arrival but in the depth of our trust and perseverance. The win is a certainty, assured by the Divine. The “when” is but a fleeting concern, a temporal illusion that pales in comparison to the eternal truth of divine promise.

Let us, therefore, relinquish our fears and anxieties about the future. Let us anchor our souls in the present, where the seeds of victory are sown with every act of faith, every prayer whispered in the quiet of the night. For in the stillness of our surrender, we align ourselves with the divine rhythm, harmonizing our hearts with the sacred promise that the win is indeed coming.

In this sacred dance with time, let us find peace, knowing that our Creator holds the perfect moment in His hands. And when that moment arrives, it will be as breathtaking and profound as the dawn breaking after the longest night. Until then, let us walk in faith, with hearts unburdened by the “when,” but filled with the certainty of divine victory.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.