Religious “opinions”, while deeply personal and often rooted in blind faith, can be a source of danger and strife within an ummah. Let’s explore the reasons why personal opinions can be hazardous, including the potential to fuel division, incite violence, hinder progress in learning and implementing the Deen, and suppress the ability to critically reflect on the Qur’an & Sunnah.

  1. Divisiveness:
    Religious opinions have historically been a catalyst for conflict and division, leading to animosity between individuals, religious groups and/or sects. These divisions can manifest as discrimination, prejudice, and even violence. When an individual strongly adhere to his/her “opinion” lacking a complete understanding of the issue, tolerance, respect for the different beliefs and viewpoints of others are seen as irrelevant. It also creates an “us versus them” mentality, eroding social cohesion.
  2. Violence:
    Throughout history, religious opinions have been used to justify acts of violence and persecution. Extremist ideologies rooted in personal opinions have led to ugly debates, terrorism, wars, and countless atrocities. By advocating for the expulsion of Divine authority and its absolute truth (i.e. Qur’an & Sunnah), opinions can be manipulated into legitimizing distain towards those deemed “infidels” or “heretics.”
  3. Impeding Progress:
    Religious opinions can impede scientific, social and spiritual progress when they conflict with empirical evidence or ethical advancements. In some cases, religious dogma has hindered the acceptance of Islamic discoveries, such as evolution or the efficacy of certain medical treatments. This resistance to change can stifle intellectual and spiritual growth and impede societal development.
  4. Suppression of Critical Thinking:
    Religious opinions sometimes discourage questioning or challenging non-established beliefs and practices. Blind adherence to one’s unqualified opinion can hinder critical thinking skills and discourage open dialogue. When individuals are discouraged from questioning or exploring alternative perspectives, it limits intellectual curiosity and impedes the search for truth and knowledge.


While opinions can provide individuals with perceived comfort, pseudo guidance, and a sense of pride, their potential dangers should not be overlooked. Divisiveness, violence, hindrance to progress, and suppression of critical thinking are all tangible risks associated with misinformed understanding. Encouraging open-mindedness, tolerance, critical thinking and acknowledgement of Qur’an & Sunnah can help mitigate these dangers and foster a more harmonious and progressive society. Ultimately, it is essential to adopt correct beliefs and understanding for the collective well-being of society.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.