There are those who say that when people of different religious ideologies come together, the devil is the 3rd person; or that the Zionist are at work putting in motion “THE NEW WORLD ORDER”. I say that God’s Champions are at work spreading His WORD, in the manner they understand it. Who says differently?

Without intending to create a conflict, I had an opposing religious/scriptural position that was contrary to an unnamed Christian. We had a spirited (but respectful) discussion about our disagreement and/or differences. When it was all said and done, (I can’t speak for her), I came out of the discussion feeling as if I potentially made a “Spiritually Invested” friend, although we are of two different ideological faiths. 

So, what is the purpose of this posting? Religious academics and leaders around the world are beginning to have interfaith dialogs because of the growing conflicts that (so-called) God-fearing people are having with one another. The scholars are talking to (and not at) each other. we (laypeople) need to start doing the same. For when we do, I believe that we’ll come to learn that our religious paths are not that far apart…(if apart at all).

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.