The Relevance of Quran and Sunnah in Modern Times

Every religion revealed by God was, in its original form, eternal in character, just as the sun and the moon, the air and the water have a timeless character about them. Religion, in fact, is another name for eternal values, which in their nature are timeless and uniformly applicable in all situations and at all times.

A religion loses its relevance in succeeding ages when it is no longer preserved in its pristine form owing to human additions and interpolations. The Prophet of Islam who came in the 7th century, did not bring a new religion. His mission in fact was aimed at sifting the divinely revealed parts from the human additions, which had swept into the ancient religions over the ages. The divine religion thus needed to be established in its original form. This reality has been expressed thus in the Quran:

“I will show mercy to those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel, he enjoins on them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful for them the good things and forbids them the bad things, and removes from them their burden and the shackles that were upon them. So those who shall believe in him, and honour and support him, and help him, and follow the light that has been sent down with him shall surely triumph.” (7:157)

In this verse “burden” and “shackles” mean human addition. It is these human additions, which make a religion irrelevant in succeeding ages. When a religion is purified of human additions, the question of irrelevance with the time automatically vanishes. Since Islam is free from all these additions, there is no possibility of Islam being irrelevant at any time or in any situation. In actual fact the commands given in Islam are totally timeless in character. As the Quran says:

“He has prescribed for you the religion which He enjoined on Noah, and which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying, ‘Remain steadfast in obedience, and be not divided therein.” (42:13)

In this verse the believers are commanded to follow those teachings of religion, which were given to all prophets. These are: monotheism, sincerity, good virtues, character, and good deeds for the Hereafter. We learn from this verse that there are four parts of religious teachings sent down by God. One part encompasses all that is common to all the prophets sent to any part of the world. These teachings do not change with the changing times. These are the basic essence of religion. If we have to follow this real part of religion, the question of relevance or irrelevance does not arise, whatever the age. For its tenets are based on eternal values.

I closing, the goal of Islam is and always have been to bring about an intellectual revolution among the people. Such a task is eternal in its nature. That is why along with eternal laws goes the principle of flexibility in Islam. Along with azimah (commands) Islam gives ample space for concessions and exemptions. Along with the observance of form Islam gives equal importance to the spirit.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.

2 thoughts on “ISLAM IN THIS MODERN DAY!”
  1. The dialogue concerning authentic Islam in it’s most purest form, as a religion in these perilous times, is commendable. I see this as a believer because of my understanding of what the word “Islam” really entails.
    Since the dawn of mankind, in the garden of Eden, there has been wars between brothers and sisters. Those wars have been kept alive and vibrant even till this day. If a person truly embraces Islam, as it was intended from its essential meaning, and not as man has defined it, one’s mind, body and spirit would act in accordance with the three monotheistic books which were given to mankind. The Tanakh, the Gospels and Al-Kitab (i.e. Al-Quran) would be indistinguishable in its message.
    One has to be diligent in his/her studies in order to recognize and embrace the truths in all three books.
    Thank you for the lesson my brother, my Imam, and my friend! Welcome to the literary fight in propagating “TRUE“ Islam!

  2. The lion, elephant, and the tiger, may be more powerful, but the”wolf” does not perform in circuses!

    Watch, wait, and then act!

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