Don’t Let Your Fear Feed On Ignorance. Fear is a basic human emotion, with a very natural function in our lives. It is very much part of our survival mechanism.…
How Does Islam, Christianity & Judaism View Free Will?
Islam (Contributed by: Imam M. Abdus Salaam) In the above example, the parachuter had the choice and free will to jump out of an airplane. It was his choice and…
When Will We All Wake Up And Stop The Madness?
As rabbi was held hostage, interfaith colleagues gathered to help end the standoff The congregation’s rabbi is particularly well connected to the larger interfaith community and on good terms with…
Did You Know…?
Muslims are followers of the religion Islam, who believe in and live by the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. There are more than two billion Muslims worldwide, making Islam the…
Understanding Different Faiths, Not The Myths Or Misrepresentations
What We Want You To Understand About Us, Although We Realize You May Not Know… On Monday, January 17, 2022, The Faith Dialogue Committee, Montgomery County Multi-Faith Coalition and IDEALogues,…
The Frameworks for Interfaith Conversations: Â
Presented By: Aziz Nathoo 10 Basic Rules: 1) Dialogue, not debateWhile engaging friendly (or unfriendly, as the case might be) debate has its place, it doesn’t tend to be in…
What Is Your Position Regarding Building Relationships With People Different Than You?
What makes living in a Multi-Faith socieity so beneficial? To answer that question, we first need to truly understand what living in a Multi-Faith society really means. A Multi-Faith society…
If Islam Had A “Superhero” What Would His/Her Powers Be?
Superheroes have their antecedents in the semidivine heroes of myth and legend. Protagonists who exhibit feats of incredible strength, fighting prowess, and cunning are commonplace in both scripture and early…
Can Interfaith Cooperation Really Make A Difference?
What Can Life Be Like If We All Work Together? Today’s America is one of the most religiously diverse societies in history. Look around you and you’ll see people with…
An Imam Gives Sermon About “Jesus In Islam” During A Church Service.
As in the Christian New Testament, the Quran (the central religious text of Islam) describes Jesus as al-Masīḥ (Arabic for messiah), born of a virgin, performing miracles, accompanied by disciples,…