Is Satan A Fallen Angel Or Jinn? What’s The Difference?
THE JINN In Islam, Satan is known to be a Jinn, not a fallen angel. According to Islamic teachings, Jinn are a separate creation than angels, created from smokeless fire,…
Allah Created Three Intelligent Life-forms (Part 4 of 4)…Mankind
According to Islamic belief, Allah (God) created mankind with a specific purpose. The purpose of creating human beings, as mentioned in the Quran, is multifaceted and involves several aspects. It…
Allah Created Three Intelligent Life-forms (Part 3 of 4)…JINN
In the Islamic tradition, jinn are supernatural beings created by Allah (God) from smokeless fire. They exist in a parallel realm to humans and are endowed with free will, just…
Allah Created Three Intelligent Life-forms (Part 2 of 4)…ANGELS
In Islam, angels play a significant role as celestial beings created by Allah (God) with the purpose of carrying out various tasks and fulfilling divine commands. They are believed to…
Allah Created Three Intelligent Life-forms (Part 1 of 4)
According to Islamic tradition, including Christianity, God created three distinct species of beings: angels, jinn, and mankind.
Only Allah Has Knowledge Of Everyone’s Timeline
To my readers and my “Interfaith Library” community family; approximately six months ago, I was given a death sentence. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was told I…
Is It Ever Justified To Take A Life?
On October 8, 2023, a group claiming to be upon Islam was responsible for the mass murder of innocent people in Israel. In response to that attack, Israel retaliated and…
Is Loving and Respecting Each Other Possible? We Were Created Different For a Reason!
I begin this article by vehemently expressing that remaining silent in the face of terrorism, tragedy, and oppression is detrimental to society as a whole. Silence perpetuates fear, allows injustice…
A True Look At The Muslim Ummah/community.
What makes Muslim communities in America uniquely different from others? Muslim communities in America may differ from other communities in several ways. Firstly, Islam is a central aspect of their…
Islam’s Influence On America.
Islam has had a significant influence on America throughout its history, particularly in the areas of culture, religion, and society. The earliest documented Muslim presence in America dates back to…