How To Use This Site

The Rules Of This Virtual Library:

1. Please be mindful that videos and texts are sometimes from insiders; and at other times they are the point of view of those not in the religious grouping being discussed.  This is appropriate given what we are trying to do here in learning about how we see ourselves and how others see us as well.

2. Please notice that no voice represents all members of any group or faith belief; there are a variety of beliefs indicated here; and these will be noted as such.  NO GROUP is Monolithic but rather each is a continuum of beliefs, practices and approaches.

3. We ask that you are open-minded in realizing that we have pulled together these various perspectives, balancing what we know/think we know about ourselves and how others see us and our beliefs.

4. Notice that the main purpose of this Interfaith Library is to have us all come to a better understanding of each other, celebrating what we share and respecting and understanding where we differ.

5. This is NOT a scholarly research site for any one faith grouping, though many of the resources here may indeed be helpful in such explorations.

6. This is intended to help all of us on our journey and we invite everyone to contribute by asking questions, sharing points of view, etc.  We ask that everyone be respectful and mindful of how others will hear what you have to say.  Our purpose here is to share, not offend; to build bridges that will enable our journey, not construct fences that will thwart this intended process.

7. Finally, we realize this exploration is NOT for everyone and respectfully ask that if you are personally uncomfortable with what we are doing here, we appreciate your visit and wish you well in your own journeys.