I open today’s POSTING saying, “Good Day to my family, friends and potential friends to be.”

Believe it or not, I wake up everyday looking forward to saying something or doing something that could possibly make someone’s day better. I use this platform to try to foster and inspire others to do the same.

Today’s call to action is my plea for everyone to try to be more CHARITABLE.

Charity is not only defined by the notion of giving money, material items, and/or sustenance. Charity can also be a kind word or greeting, a friendly wave or handshake, or even a simple smile. Now, that the word “charity” has been made more lucid, I’m asking everyone to be “charitable” today.


The Sisterhood of Salaam/Shalom is a group of Muslim and Jewish women who’ve bravely united in a cause which addressed various social issues. This bonding also afforded them the opportunity to respectfully discuss things they vehemently disagreed upon.

In 2019 the sisterhood served 105 meals to the less fortune. Muslim and Jewish women came together for one cause. God’s cause.

CHOSEN 300” is a Christian Charitable Org.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.