Historical Jesus vs Jesus of Faith

I present this posting in order to put into motion a true academic discussion and/or introspective contemplation regarding who (The Messiah) Jesus Christ (A.S.) truly was. I’m not publishing this to be controversial. I’m doing so because we need to understand Jesus from what the evidence has elucidated and not by what our religious ideologies have put forth…(viz. as translated and interpreted by our theological institutions and leaders).

I created this website to be informative, educational and interactive; allowing for everyone to have an opportunity to grow within his/her belief/faith. However, there are those who feel as though what I share and/or publish is aimed to create institutional instability or is intended to be an instrument for indoctrination.

Let it be made (crystal) clear that my only intent, with this site, is to put forth religious and spiritual information that is already out there. Information that many individuals may have overlooked, could not find, and/or didn’t even know existed. With that said, here is an example of such. Here is very interesting lecture that should be heard by every Christian, Muslim and Jew… regardless of whether one agrees with the lecturer or not.

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.