As you may or may not be aware of, Islam is truly the fastest growing religion in the world. There are many reasons for this. The most obvious one is its straight forward message and explanation of its truth; and it holds people responsible for their temporal and moral positions.

Islam offers a conversion experience and the opportunity to get one’s life in order, without needing to confess ones sin to a man or religious institution. In fact, Islam makes it quite easy to accept and understand its philosophy when defining and demonstrating its simplistic and logical truth. It tells all people, regardless of race, culture or creed, that all one needs for entrance to Paradise is to follow the “Divine Guidance” of God’s law. That is something that the natural man likes to hear, forsaking race, culture and/or creed. 

By mabdussalaam

Creator and C.E.O. of Interfaith Library A competent and dedicated educator & theologian, with over 30 years of theological teaching experience as an Imam and spiritual advisor.